"Building Winning Enterprises through Productivity©Order book now

How to Improve the value of your enterprise through proven productivity practices

Fortune 1000 enterprises, and privately owned businesses can increase the value (market cap) and competitiveness of their business by implementing strong productivity programs.  

"Building Winning Enterprises through Productivity©" walks through a five step approach to drive productivity across your entire enterprise.

The extensive productivity maturity™ assessment gauges where you stand today in productivity management, and more importantly points to the next opportunity areas.
The structured idea creation and enhancement process (SICE process™) walks through a method to identify and build out the best productivity ideas to focus against within each business segment, and across your entire enterprise, resulting in a specific multi-year pipeline of productivity initiatives including economics.

The value of your business is based upon the amount of cash and profits you generate, and expect to generate in the future.  Simply, sales minus cost=profits. Profits times your earnings multiple = enterprise value. This book focuses exclusively on the cost side of your P&L equation to increase the value and competitiveness of your enterprise.

If you are the owner of a private business, are on the board, or in a senior executive position of a Fortune 1000 enterprise, you will benefit from the productivity approaches outlined.

If you are a manager, an employee, or a student, you will benefit by understanding why productivity is important to your employer, and why you should participate in making the business you work for more productive

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Reviews and Comments

 “Isaac has driven one the best productivity processes in business and the results delivered are outstanding. This book gives you a great understanding of how to improve your business profits and results by focusing on getting wasted costs out of your business. A must read for today's CFO and CEO.”

    Dave C Rader, Chairman of the Board- Sabra Dipping Co

"As Isaac illustrates in his book, winning enterprises can be built through engaging the employees (hearts, heads, and hands) in the process. It is critical for all professionals, including the support functions not just the line leaders, to realize that productivity will not occur because the CEO wants it to happen but rather because all employees are bought into the strategy."

    Kim Warmbier, EVP-Chief Human Resources Officer-Dean Foods

“Productivity is a hot topic. Making it a reality is seldom done well. Learn practical and experienced based tips on how to define, communicate and execute meaningful and lasting productivity efforts.”

   Steve Reinemund, Dean of Business Wake Forest University, Retired Chairman/CEO-PepsiCo


“Whether a small business owner or someone running a multinational company I would highly recommend you read and apply the principles found in Building Winning Enterprise through Productivity. The book provides a proven path to extract more value from your business and give you the competitive edge in the marketplace.”

    Randy Melville, SVP/GM Eastern Division of Frito Lay North America

“Isaac lays out a clear vision of how to get after productivity in a way that can create alignment across an organization.   I will now be giving each of my placements a copy of Isaac’s book to help them generate the results that their employers are expecting of them.”

    Chris Langhoff, Managing Partner of CCL Search LLC

“In reading Building Winning Enterprises through Productivity I see a clearly defined path to getting the job done in accelerating productivity projects that in the end provide practical solutions to maximize shareholder wealth. I recommend reading and applying the productivity approach outlined.”

    James M. Bohnsack, Executive Vice President-Arvest Bank

“Isaac delivers a common sense and achievable way of driving productivity in your enterprise. His approach of beginning with a clear understanding of the cost and productivity drivers in your business, then engaging in a disciplined, structured process to develop ideas, test and implement has been a recipe for success throughout his career. Regardless of your role in the organization productivity is everyone’s job and Isaac provides a roadmap to giving your company an advantage.”

         Pat Collins, Senior VP-Sales, School Specialty, Inc.

"With thirty years experience in leading supply chain organizations in major food companies, I find Isaac's perspective on the need and benefits of companywide productivity focus spot on. It brings front and center what I also believe is a crucial element of sustainable business results. Isaac, shares his learning's and perspective on what, who, how, and why in bringing to life an effective companywide productivity program. Well written and enthusiastically supports a top down lead and bottom up driven approach in driving cultural change."

  Blake Thompson, SVP Manufacturing and Supply Chain, Swisher Hygiene  

"Isaac knows what he is talking about, with a proven track record in applying these models. He doesn't waste a single word in describing his five-step process.....embrace it fully, and apply it in your organisation for impressive, value added results."

  Rob Hargrove, SVP Research and Development, PepsiCo Europe

"Isaac has been able to distil his wealth of productivity experience and history of proven results into a concise, straight forward and practical process to improve your business results and profits. Whether your Company is just starting or well along in its productivity journey Isaac's process will put you on the right and most direct path throughout the journey. I will make this required reading for my team as it gives the road map to improve the results and value of our company that it would otherwise take a full career to learn on their own."

                     David Wong, CFO, G. L. Mezzetta, Inc.

“I have enjoyed reading Isaac's book Building Winning Enterprises Through Productivity. It is undeniably innovative. In his book, Isaac explains, in actionable and measurable ways, the keys for an enterprise's sustained and accelerating growth and success that are almost always overlooked by even the most astute observers. Read it. Use it. Lend it. But, don't lose it.”

H. Shepard Bailey, Managing Principal, InView  Advisors,  LLC

“Clearly, growth has slowed across the globe in most industries and countries; to survive enterprises simply must develop a core competency in productivity. ‘Building Wining Enterprises through Productivity’ offers proven tools and organizational processes to muscle build these skills. Isaac not only shares his extensive experience and models; but poses some intriguing questions with regard to enterprise staffing levels and focus on productivity; certain to compel any CEO or CFO to reassess their own organization’s focus with regard to driving enterprise value.”

Tim Minges, President PepsiCo Greater China




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