"Building Winning Enterprises through Productivity©Order book now

How to Improve the value of your enterprise through proven productivity practices

Fortune 1000 enterprises, and privately owned businesses can increase the value (market cap) and competitiveness of their business by implementing strong productivity programs.  

"Building Winning Enterprises through Productivity©" walks through a five step approach to drive productivity across your entire enterprise.

The extensive productivity maturity™ assessment gauges where you stand today in productivity management, and more importantly points to the next opportunity areas.
The structured idea creation and enhancement process (SICE process™) walks through a method to identify and build out the best productivity ideas to focus against within each business segment, and across your entire enterprise, resulting in a specific multi-year pipeline of productivity initiatives including economics.

The value of your business is based upon the amount of cash and profits you generate, and expect to generate in the future.  Simply, sales minus cost=profits. Profits times your earnings multiple = enterprise value. This book focuses exclusively on the cost side of your P&L equation to increase the value and competitiveness of your enterprise.

If you are the owner of a private business, are on the board, or in a senior executive position of a Fortune 1000 enterprise, you will benefit from the productivity approaches outlined.

If you are a manager, an employee, or a student, you will benefit by understanding why productivity is important to your employer, and why you should participate in making the business you work for more productive

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